Support of Early Career Scientists

Since 2013, seven senior members of the Group have progressed to academic positions at the Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor level at leading universities across Europe and North America. Five senior members received their Viva Legendi/Habilitation at ETH. 11 Ph.D. diplomas were awarded, among which three received ETH Medals. At the time of graduation, the Group’s Ph.D. students, in collaboration with senior members of the team, have achieved publications and invitations for resubmission in top-ranked scientific journals (e.g., ASQ, AMJ, MISQ, SMJ, AMD, Res. Pol.), as well as Best Reviewer awards, nominations for Best Paper Awards, and recognition in Best Paper Proceedings at major international conferences. In addition, doctoral students have successfully applied for competitive mobility- and early career grants at the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
The Group regularly organizes three doctoral seminars: 1. “Publishing in Management, Technology, and Innovation”, taught by Prof. Dominique Foray (EPFL), Prof. Oliver Gassmann (HSG) and Prof. Georg von Krogh (MTEC); 2. “Innovation Theory and Research: Innovation in the Digital Space”, taught by Prof. Georg von Krogh and Dr. Yash Raj Shrestha (both MTEC); 3. “Perspectives on Organizational Knowledge”, taught by Dr. Zeynep Erden Özkol (Vlerick Business School); Brown Bag innovation seminars and other research seminars: The Group hosts around eight internationally renowned innovation scholars per year and invites all Ph.D. students and faculty at D-MTEC to participate and individually meet with the visiting scholar ( At the research seminar series, Ph.D. students from D-MTEC can present their own work in progress. The Group regularly organizes chair-internal research seminars and yearly retreats to present and discuss Ph.D. student research projects and paper pipelines.
Prof. Georg von Krogh serves on the Jury of the SIAF Award that goes to the best Ph.D. thesis in Economics and Business in Switzerland. He also serves on the SNSF committee for Doc.Mobility, a program that allocates scholarships to Ph.D. students to finance their stay and research abroad. Prof. Georg von Krogh has hosted several paper development workshops for AMD at various universities in North America (MSU and Boston College) and Europe (ETH Zurich, Imperial College). Dr. Vivianna Fang He teaches the "Academic Writing" workshop in the yearly MTEC doctoral student onboarding retreat. Dr. Nina Geilinger teaches "Management research", a course for MTEC M.Sc. and MAS students who want to learn how to conduct scientific research on management topics.

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