Dr. Ann-Kristin Weiser

Enlarged view: Patrick Tinguely

Ann-Kristin Weiser
Strategic Management and Innovation
Weinbergstrasse 56/58
ETH Zürich, WEV J418
8092 Zürich

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Phone: +41 44 632 98 45

Short Bio

Ann-Kristin is a Senior Researcher and Lecturer at the Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation of ETH Zurich. In her research, she focuses on studying how strategic renewal, change, and strategy creation and implementation processes unfold. She is also interested in how artificial intelligence and digital platforms affect strategy processes. While she has examined these topics across multiple industries, most of her work has focused on technology firms operating in high-velocity environments or on companies in the process of digital transformation. Her work has been published in Academy of Management Annals, Journal of Management Studies, and Organization Theory.

Before joining ETH Zurich, Ann-Kristin worked as assistant professor at the Stockholm School of Economics. She received her PhD from University of St.Gallen and was awarded a three-year postdoctoral fellowship after that. Ann-Kristin has also served as the Assistant Managing Editor of Long Range Planning.

Recent Publications

Teaching Activities

Strategic Management

Teaching Experience

  • Essentials of Strategy (Stockholm School of Economics)
  • Advanced Strategic Management (Stockholm School of Economics)
  • Strategy Creation and Implementation (Stockholm School of Economics)
  • Strategy Execution (University of St.Gallen)
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